Robert Fonod — People
Former PhD Students
Former MSc Students
Martin Henkel
Thesis title: Distributed FDI using Recurrent Neural Networks for Thruster Faults in Formation Flying Satellites
Collaboration with Jian Guo (TU Delft, LR)
Floris van Dam
Thesis title: Distributed Collision Free Trajectory Optimization for the Reconfiguration of a Spacecraft Formation
Collaboration with Tamas Keviczky (TU Delft, 3ME)
Wouter Bouma
Thesis title: Design of the European Lunar Penetrator (ELUPE) Descent Module Controller
Collaboration with Jian Guo (TU Delft, LR)
Hemanth Jagadeeshwar
Thesis title: Implementation and Verification of Energy Efficient Software for ADCS
Collaboration with Stephan Wong (TU Delft, EWI)
Zheng Wen Tan
Thesis title: Optimal Target Defensive Strategies Against Multiple
Collaboration with Tal Shima (Technion, AE)
Former BSc Students